Interior Paint Selling 3IN1 Anti Alkali Primer Sealer is a high quality emulsion paint with a pure acrylic resin base. NIPPON 3-IN-1 ANTI-ALKALI PRIMER SEALER can be applied with a brush and has a smooth and smooth film coating. This product is used as a base paint to reduce water and moisture absorption on alkaline surface, protect from fungus, damage to concrete and color change. This product can also protect concrete water bath.
After the application of NIPPON-3-IN-1 ANTI-ALKALI PRIMER SEALER, various types of paint can be used (emulsion, enamel, epoxy, etc. - except alkyd based paints). This paint can be used for interior and exterior walls and ceiling-based asbestos, concrete, concrete, boards, mortar, concreate and so forth.
The advantage of this product is that it can be used as a base paint on painting using VINILEX and SUPER VINILEX to protect the top coat of alkali (anti-alkali) contained in the cement, and can close the cracked hair. In addition, the properties of asbestos that absorb water or emulsions can cause floating and absorption of paints. This can be prevented by using NIPPON 3-IN-1 ANTI-ALKALI PRIMER SEALER so that the use of paint is more efficient.